These are the official member parties of the Comintern that have been approved, in alphabetical order. Australia - Australian Communist Party - ACP ^- Party Delegate: - Chris Carnage, Angie Tuminaro
Belgium - Belgian Communist Party - BCP ^- Party Delegate: - Fhaemita Malodorous
Belarus - C B A - CBA ^- Party Delegate: -
Croatia - Savez Komunista eHrvatske - SKeH ^- Party Delegate: - zErO_cRo
France - Parti Koinmuniste - KP ^- Party Delegate: - Charkk
Germany - Kommunistische Partei eD - KPeD ^- Party Delegate: - KleinerTeufel
Greece - Communist Party of eGreece - CPeG ^- Party Delegate: - GermanosKaravagelis
Hungary - eKommunista part - KP ^- Party Delegate: - Walla
Italy - Partito Comunista eItaliano - PCI ^- Party Delegate: - Gianpaolo Panetta
Spain - Partido Comunista de eEspana - PCdE ^ - Party Delegate: - Acomatico
Sweden - Militantsocialistiska Arbetarepartiet - MSAP ^ - Party Delegate: - Seblas
Sweden - Swiss Socialist Society - SSS ^ - Party Delegate: - Monsieur Guillontine
USA - Socialist Freedom Party - SFP ^ - Party Delegate: - Phoenix Quinn, Mark Valshannar